Destiny Steam

The whole PC player base of Destiny 2 has migrated to Steam a few days ago, and the move cause some issues. A number of things don’t work like they used to, back on, and one of them is creating and joining fireteams. If you want to join a group, you’ll either have to have the other members on your friends list, or engage in some chat command-fu. It’s easier than it sounds, but it’s also not at all intuitive. This guide will show you how to join and create Destiny 2 Fireteams on Steam.


Destiny 1


If you don’t know by now, Destiny 2 is moving to its new home – Steam. Just like most games, Bungie’s Destiny 2 will be playable from Steam App this fall from October 1, 2019, once Shadowkeep launches. Shadowkeep is bringing some really interesting features to the Destiny 2 community. Cross Save being one of them. Bungie announced today that Destiny 2 will be making its PC move from to Steam on October 1. The studio noted that the transition would happen back in January, when it announced that it. Install Steam login language Destiny 2. PINNED: DESTINY 2 UPDATE - Apr. 1 2021 (The One About Guardian Games Ghosts) The One They Call Dante. OK so same issue here. So originally the game crashed my windows completely. I could not be 100% positive it was Destiny on Steam but from the moment I downloaded Destiny major issues to the point of completely reinstalling Windows. So I do all of that and reinstall all steam and Destiny 2 and now I can't even get it to launch.

Destiny steam move

How to join Fireteam on Steam?

Using the friends list is the easy way – you just do it like you do for any other multiplayer game on Steam. However, Destiny 2 won’t work if you have more than 300 friends on your list, so that’s kinda limited. You can’t just add people whenever you want to play with them. Thankfully, you can get around this limitation using the in-game chat commands. If you use Discord, make sure you join the Destiny 2 LFG PC server, as it’s a great place to find people who want to play. Once you’ve found someone willing to play with you, you’ll have to do the following:

  1. Make sure your fireteam settings make them open to the public.
  2. Open up the chat window by pressing Enter.
  3. Type in “/id” (without the quotation marks), and the game will show you your Steam ID.
  4. Copy that number and send it to the other person(s).
  5. The ones joining should type “/join” (without the quotation marks), followed by the Steam ID of the person hosting.

This way, you don’t have to stress your grief-stricken friends list with more people than you have to, and you still get to play with like minded individuals.


If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.

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Destiny Steam

Bungie announced today that Destiny 2 will be making its PC move from to Steam on October 1

The studio noted that the transition would happen back in January, when it announced that it was separating from publisher Activision Blizzard to be the sole company in charge of Destiny. is a PC games launcher created by Blizzard. It mostly hosts Blizzard games but does include a couple from other Activision studios, notably Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and Destiny 2.

Destiny Steam Lfg

Now that Activision Blizzard will have nothing to do with Destiny 2, Steam makes sense as a more neutral home for the online shooter. October 1 is also the day that Destiny 2 will launch its free-to-play version, New Light, and new expansion, Shadowkeep. It’ll be a busy day for Bungie.

PC players can do a one-time transfer to carry over all of their characters and progress from to Steam. Aside from starting the game from a new launcher, the experience should be the same.


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Destiny Steam Key

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