Web Scraping Is

Business decision-making is now crucial. Being a business owner, you simply cannot skip this thing. Or we can say that only effective decision-making can take your business to the next level. But when the market is filled with tremendous competition, making informed as well as effective decisions is not that easy. Now in order to make amazing decisions, you need to analyze large volumes of data. There is no better alternative to data analysis. But when the volume is large i.e. big data, analyzing the entire volume becomes tough. It becomes more complicated when one tries to do it manually. But thanks to web scraping api that now fetching a large amount of data from various websites is easy.

Web Scraping

Web Scraping Is

Web scraping is a modern as well as highly popular process that helps in fetching a large volume of data (public data) from various websites across the internet. With web scraping, you will enjoy data collection automation and conversion of scraped data into your chosen format such as Excel, CSV, JSON, HTML. And so on.

Web scraping, or web content extraction, can serve an unlimited number of purposes. Whether you're a new business or a growing one, web scraping helps you 10x your business growth with web data. Here are our top 11 reasons why you should use web scraping for your next project. In order to gain insights into market dynamics, one needs a large amount of up-to-date data. Learn why and how you should integrate web scraping into your market research.

Parts of web scraping

  • Web scraping is the process of using automated software, like bots, to extract structured data from websites. There are many applications for web scraping, including monitoring product retail.
  • See full list on parsehub.com.
  • Jul 15, 2020 Web Scraping is an automat i c way to retrieve unstructured data from website and store them in a structured format. For example, if you want to analyse what kind of face mask can sell better in Singapore, you may want to scrape all the face mask information on E-Commerce website like Lazada.

1. Parse via an HTML site

2. Extract the data you actually need

3. Store the data into a secure place

The main way of big data scraping is via programming. In this case, experienced developers can help you to crawl the targeted websites. If you cannot afford the expense of hiring developers to extract big data, you can take the help of web scraping tools. No matter you are taking the help of an experienced developer or a web scraping tool, you will get some amazing benefits that simply revolutionize business intelligence.

How Big Data and Web Scraping are Revolutionizing Business Intelligence

1. Automated data extraction- You know that data copy and pasting requires a lot of time and effort. But when you need data from millions of web pages, extracting data via manual copy-pasting is not possible. Via web scraping, you will be able to extract a large amount of data with zero human factors and errors included.

2. Speediness- when the data extraction will be completed automatically without any human effort, the process will be done much faster. Tasks that we used to take months in order to complete now those tasks we can complete within a few minutes.

3. More accurate information- If you try to extract data manually, there will be lots of errors as you know that we humans are prone to error. And that’s why a lot of companies are now using web scraping method that amazingly increases the accuracy of data extraction. In this way, you will be able to eliminate all human errors from the data extraction process.

4. Cost-effective way- If you cannot hire developers due to a lack of budget, you can easily take the help of web scraping tools. You will get nearly the same amount of help from popular and reliable web scraping tools. You will be able to save both time and money.

5. Cleaner and structured data- you collect data from various sources and in various formats. After collecting important data volumes, you need to reorganize them in order to use them. Web scraping tools are a great help when it comes to converting unstructured and semi-unstructured data into properly structured data. Along with this, you will also get web page information in pretty presentable formats.

Web Scraping Is

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Web Scraping and APIs.

What do these terms mean? And more importantly, how are they different?

Here at ParseHub, we’ll break down both terms and get to the bottom of these questions.

First, we'll discuss what is web scraping and what is an API.


Web Scraping What Is

Then we will discuss what is the difference between between Web Scraping and API.

What is Web Scraping?

Web Scraping refers to the process of extracting data from a website or specific webpage.

This can be done either manually or by using software tools called web scrapers. These software tools are usually preferred as they are faster, more powerful and therefore more convenient.

Free Web Scraper Tool

Once web scrapers extract the user’s desired data, they often also restructure the data into a more convenient format such as an Excel spreadsheet.

With web scraping, a user is able to select any website they’d want to extract data from, build their web scraping project and extract the data.

Want to learn more about web scraping? Check out our in-depth guide on web scraping and what it is.

What is an API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of procedures and communication protocols that provide access to the data of an application, operating system or other services.

Generally, this is done to allow the development of other applications that use the same data.

For example, a weather forecast company could create an API to allow other developers to access their data set and create anything they’d want with it. Be it their own weather mobile app, weather website, research studies, etc.

As a result, APIs rely on the owner of the dataset in question. They might offer access to it for free, charge for access or just not offer and API at all. They might also limit the number of requests that a single user can make or the detail of the data they can access.

Web Scraping Is

Web Scraping Applications

Web Scraping vs API: What’s the Difference?

At this point, you might be able to tell the differences between web scraping and an API. But let’s break them down.

The goal of both web scraping and APIs is to access web data.

Web scraping allows you to extract data from any website through the use of web scraping software. On the other hand, APIs give you direct access to the data you’d want.

As a result, you might find yourself in a scenario where there might not be an API to access the data you want, or the access to the API might be too limited or expensive.

In these scenarios, web scraping would allow you to access the data as long as it is available on a website.

For example, you could use a web scraper to extract product data information from Amazon since they do not provide an API for you to access this data.

Closing Thoughts

As you can see, the uses of web scrapers and APIs change depending on the context of the situation you’re in.


You might be able to access all the data you need with the use of an API. But if access to the API is limited, or too expensive or just non-existent, a web scraper can allow you to essentially build your own API for any website.

If you would like to learn more web scraping, you can read our beginners guide to web scraping.