Vscode Slack

With CheatKeys installed, just hold the CTRL key a bit longer to get a list of all active short-cuts for the current app. It's that simple. 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources. Slack Theme for VSCode is a tool in the Tools for Text Editors category of a tech stack. Slack Theme for VSCode is an open source tool with 88 GitHub stars and 12 GitHub forks. Here’s a link to Slack Theme for VSCode 's open source repository on GitHub. Fig adds VSCode-style autocomplete to your existing Terminal. A biweekly web dev newsletter with articles, discussions and videos, handpicked by two devs. Keep in sync, without the bullshit.


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Vscode Slack Theme

This extension is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, Inc.


You can install this extension by pressing F1 in Visual Studio Code, then typing 'ex install' and selecting it from the list.


Go to User Settings (File > Preferences > User Settings) and add the following

  • 'teamToken' (required)
    • You can get the token from https://api.slack.com/docs/oauth-test-tokens
  • 'username' (optional)
    • defaults to 'Code'
    • Specified username will be attributed to each message
  • 'avatarUrl' (optional)
    • Image for the avatar


  • Send messages to
    • users
    • channels
    • private groups
  • Can send message:
    • from selected code
    • from user input
  • @user, #channel supported (at the beginning of message)
  • Autofill last used channel/user/group
  • Upload files
    • current open file
    • enter file path manually
    • selected text in open file
  • Snooze notifications

Upcoming features

  • Multiple team support


  • CTRL + ALT + N : Send new message
  • CTRL + ALT + U : Send selection
  • CTRL + ALT + J : Upload current file

Feedback / Bug report / feature request


  • Send message
  • Upload file


  • Logo by @chrisbernard
  • Inspired by Simion's ST3 plugin: https://github.com/simion/sublime-slack-integration